Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Am I invisible?

Idk whats wrong, something's really really wrong. I feel like I'm non existent, nobody noticed me at all. 

Yea, some of you may know that I'm a performer, I must have people watching me perform all the time, I get applaused for, and.. That's it. 

You have no idea what happens off stage. 

I get thrown aside. 

That's why you can always see me striving my way to sing in public or get a spotlight in a dance, or get casted for a film. If you know me well enough, that's what I actually do. 

I don't have real real friends. 

I'm still looking for my true friend. Guy or girl it doesn't matter, I just need somebody to keep me alive. 

Am I invisible? 

Do you know how cold lonely feels? When somebody that's supposedly your close friend no longer call you along to the toilet with them. Cause they rather go with the other friend they found. Especially when you're not very close to that whole group of people, you're not here neither there. and that, results in me being so alone. I'm always the one that's being left behind. Unless I go and talk to people like a pest. 

But why? You're good looking, you should have a lot of people constantly talking to u!?!? 

No I'm not complimenting myself, I for actually find myself that good looking, it's just what I receive from people. I get complimented quite a lot.. I must admit. 
But a thousands of fake friends will never be as important as that 1 real friend that stays by your side all the time. You will die without friends. I don't actually have many constantly talking to me. People think that if you're pretty, boys will keep talking to u. Oh r u serious? Then I must be so ugly. 

All I need is that friend that's always by my side. Even if it's a boy, please don't ask me to stay away from him. 

I'm not like u, I don't have friends. 
'Feels from yesterday' @The Esplande 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Live, don't just breathe

I'm sure if I live my life this way, it's gonna have a con where I lose my social life. Cause like, if I'm truly LIVING, which to me it means to be always preoccupied with something that I enjoy. This whole week, I'm gonna be out from 8am to 10pm. And it'll be consisting of school, cca, dental appointment, tuition, and on set. Wow. 

Isnt this all that I've wanted? And now it's here, I'm too busy to use my phone, but I have people that I have to talk to.. 

Only Sundays will be my breathing day. But I'm sure it's just half a day to breathe..

I hate complaining. 
I'm serious, the more you complain, the more you cannot endure.. But then I have nothing much to say. 
I wanna love life, I hope I make the right decisions. Sometimes I yolo, and sometimes I'm just afraid of everything. 
I'm not too sure bout where I'll go in my future, whether I'll be able to support myself with a job that I like. 

I live my everyday with "Live life to the fullest" and it's amazing. 

Just work hard for everything you do, because you can do it. And I'm so sure of it. 💞 



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Drama Queen

Yea i say things like "I hang out with boys more cause i like that they have less drama". Then here I am about to tell you how dramatic I am. 

I don't think that this can be controlled though, sometimes i really think that i'm crazy, or psychotic, or whatever you wanna call it. This isn't who I wanna be. Can I control it? Can i be any different? Or is it because like what they say cause i'm in a relationship, people tend to become this way?

But I kinda think it's the stress in my life.
My mind is a really chaotic place, it generates thoughts and epiphanies every single second. That's why i'm constantly writing. And no, I don't always write it on this blog, cause I feel very exposed. I'm conservative in a way. But not the way I dress.

Ugh by now I think you should be able to see how disorganised I am. Digressing from topic to topic. I too, can't stand myself ☺️, so don't worry if you feel the same.

and i'm eating some mango yogurt

ok so right now i'm so distracted i forgot i was suppose to blog about my inner sadness.

I felt so sad all week, idk why. can you imagine feeling sad to bed & waking up unhappy still? and when you're trying to make yourself happier, all you get is NO.

I've really no idea what's got into me. I really don't. I just wanna go shopping. I have nothing but a cupboard of clothes I find boring 😂.


find my funny side on ok? oK? OK? OK?!?! I ASKED YOU A QUESTION AND YOU DON'T WANNA ANSWER? WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU? A BASIC B⭐︎*H?  ok you are now. congratulations bruther, u succeeded in being annoying☺️

(before your secrets get published you better whisper to THIS saying "okie dookie i find tis funny")  

❤︎ Learn how to use emojis like a pro by watching this video ❤︎

luv ya.