Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Drama Queen

Yea i say things like "I hang out with boys more cause i like that they have less drama". Then here I am about to tell you how dramatic I am. 

I don't think that this can be controlled though, sometimes i really think that i'm crazy, or psychotic, or whatever you wanna call it. This isn't who I wanna be. Can I control it? Can i be any different? Or is it because like what they say cause i'm in a relationship, people tend to become this way?

But I kinda think it's the stress in my life.
My mind is a really chaotic place, it generates thoughts and epiphanies every single second. That's why i'm constantly writing. And no, I don't always write it on this blog, cause I feel very exposed. I'm conservative in a way. But not the way I dress.

Ugh by now I think you should be able to see how disorganised I am. Digressing from topic to topic. I too, can't stand myself ☺️, so don't worry if you feel the same.

and i'm eating some mango yogurt

ok so right now i'm so distracted i forgot i was suppose to blog about my inner sadness.

I felt so sad all week, idk why. can you imagine feeling sad to bed & waking up unhappy still? and when you're trying to make yourself happier, all you get is NO.

I've really no idea what's got into me. I really don't. I just wanna go shopping. I have nothing but a cupboard of clothes I find boring 😂.


find my funny side on swagachild.tumblr.com ok? oK? OK? OK?!?! I ASKED YOU A QUESTION AND YOU DON'T WANNA ANSWER? WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU? A BASIC B⭐︎*H?  ok you are now. congratulations bruther, u succeeded in being annoying☺️

(before your secrets get published you better whisper to THIS saying "okie dookie i find tis funny")  

❤︎ Learn how to use emojis like a pro by watching this video ❤︎ 

luv ya.

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